Monday, March 22, 2010

The kids

Today I had to take Kamryn to get her blood drawn to test for anemia and lead. I never had to do this with Kade. Before I took her I looked at her arms and wondered where they heck they were going to get this blood from because you couldn't see any veins, and when nurse went to draw the blood and put the turnaket ( i am not sure how to spell that one!) on you couldn't see a vein, and she could barely feel one, so she basically went in blind and luckily got it after just moving around a little. Poor baby!

Kade is a growing boy. I haven't measured or weighed him since his last doctors appointment but that boy has had a big appetite lately and he looks bigger to me. I think he is going through a growth spurt.

Here is a little story about Kade

When we went to visit my parents during Christmas I brought home a little cradle that I got for Christmas when I was 2. I brought it for Kamryn to play with eventually. I also brought home one of the last dolls I ever got, which was an American Girl Bitty Baby doll. Packed up with her was a white crocheted blanket that I got for Christmas along with the doll. Well I brought these things home and I put them in Kamryn's room. In the past week I have come in and Kade has put the doll in the cradle and placed the white crocheted blanket on top of the doll sometimes completely covering the whole cradle. I asked him what he was doing and he told me he was hiding his brother Kooper. I am glad that he remembers the white blanket that Kooper was buried with. It was my blessing blanket. And I am glad that he remembers his brother. It reminds me without him telling me that he misses him. He tells me at least once a week that he wishes Kooper was here.

It makes me happy that Kade remembers Kooper and talks about him, but sometimes it breaks my heart that he doesn't understand why his little brother was taken away from him. I know that one day he will understand that is happened for a reason. Sometimes I still wonder. One day we will know.


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