Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Baby update and a silly boy!

Kade learns the meaning of starving, well sort of.

Kade: Mom, we should go to the mall cuz I am starving.

Me: We just ate dinner, why are you hungry?

Kade: I am not hungry.

Me: Starving means that you are hungry.

Kade: Oh, I'm not starving.

So I have a little update...I went to the doctor today. My doctor is on vacation so I saw the PA instead but first I had my regular BPP ultrasound along with an EFW (estimated fetal weight) which shows that Keegan is estimated at weighing 8 pounds 8 ounces but is doing great other than he is a BIG BOY (which we already know). The PA was concerned about his weight and talked to the other doctor in the office about inducing me tonight. Well they decided to wait since I am already set up to be induced on Sunday night. But they are having me come back Thursday, so there is a small chance that Thursday night I could be induced or maybe there is a FAT chance I could go into labor before they get to induce me Sunday (which knowing my body, wouldn't happen.)

We will see what happens. I gotta get a pedicure soon just in case Thursday I get sent straight to L&D!

1 comment:

Jenny from the Blog said...

Yaaaaayyyy!! I can't wait to see pictures of him! And make sure you get the pedicure! I did that too cause I knew I wouldn't get to go have another one for a few weeks... I really hope all goes well for you and Ryan!