Thursday, January 28, 2010


So the ultrasound this morning went well. I have been having fears and have been a little worried but after this level II ultrasound where it is a little more in depth then your normal 20 week ultrasound everything looks GREAT! I was a little worried, thinking something could possibly wrong, because I have learned that just because something goes wrong once doesn't mean you could be thrown a different curve ball. I came across a blog of a mother who had 2 healthy boys and then had a stillborn little boy at 7 months pregnant and when she got pregnant again her 4th little boy had serious heart problems and has already had to undergo an open heart surgery and soon will undergo another one. Because no one really talks about the fact that your baby could actually die and me being naive thought it could never happen to me, but you never know. So maybe that makes me a pessimist, but I felt a little betrayed when my baby died at 38 weeks. You think once you reach 30 weeks that everything is going to be fine...even 28 things could still be fine, rough but fine.

So things are great. The placenta is right where Kamryn's was and I think God knows that for me to be not as crazy paranoid as I would have been that it needed to be there. Kamryn's placenta was in the front of my uterus and I don't know exactly where Kade and Kooper's was, but not there. So I am thankful for that. I talked with one of the perinatologist after and she let me know that I will be taken care of just as I had been with Kamryn. She said the chance of having another cord accident is so unlikely but she didn't want to be the doctor to say that and not have me watched closely and then have it happen again. She was really nice.

He was moving like crazy in there. He is measuring 6 days bigger, but I am not surprised since at my first ultrasound they moved my due date back based on it. I am sure it will stay the same, but that's fine with me.

I am feeling pretty good about things and am just so happy that everything looks good.Here are a few shots of our little guy. We also got a reconfirmation that he definately is a he!

This one is a profile view and he has his hand resting on his forehead.

Here is his hand. At one point he was just doing the thumbs up!


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