Thursday, May 20, 2010

Uneventful day...

It's been a very uneventful day besides my trip to Target where a lady in the baby section told me that I was on a roll and just keep popping them out! Then pointed out how I was lucky to have one of each and at least I got my girl. Little does she know I have been on a roll more than she thinks. She probably would have died if I told her before Kamryn that I had another one....I don't know why but I hate the comments. Even the good ones like the time I was in Fry's and some lady just started talking and telling me how great it is to have them so close she had 3 all a year apart one right after the other and loves it.

I think it's harder to go places with Kade and Kamryn than it would be to go with Kamryn and a baby. At least they are both stuck in the cart and can't go where they want to go and then I have to chase after them or yell to them to come back and look like the mean mom. Or have the stares from strangers with the thoughts written all over their faces about how I am such a horrible parent that can't control their kid.

Which reminds me of a thought I had today. What is it about today's society that makes us think everytime we go somewhere our kids deserve a toy or treat or prize? I have been guilty of this especially when Kade was the only child. But today at Target I heard a little boy whining to his Dad about how he really wanted this toy and blah blah blah. Then the Dad says, "I already bought you a video game today!" It could be his birthday but it just sounded like he only gets bought a toy just about every day, just not two in one day! I have gotten much better about buying Kade toys just because.

Wow that was all so random. I had no clue what the heck I was going to blog about and then I start rambling. Well I am off to bed and got my daily blogging in with 15 minutes to spare!

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