Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Why is Kamryn screaming? Why doesn't she want to sleep? I have no clue. I know she isn't sick because all she wants to do is play when I get her out of her crib. Usually if she does cry when I put her to bed it last less than 30 seconds and she lays down and goes to sleep.....tried everything, guess she will have to cry it out.

I just went in, tried teething tablets, bottle, and rocking with her for a few minutes. Nothing worked.

Last night I was getting a bottle ready and I go into the living room and Kade had left a laundry basket upside down, well Kamryn had climbed on top of it. Nice!

Something else that is new is that she has been opening cupboards. She didn't start actually getting things out of them until today. GREAT! Oh well I knew she would figure it out sometime!

Hopefully she decides to just go to sleep soon! I am off to do dishes and clean.


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