Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Long day, but lots of fun!

I am beyond tired! After getting a little sleep to make up from Sunday night on Monday and then going to bed late and waking up at 6am for my 7am doctors appointment I have wanted to go to bed since 5! But that wasn't happening and neither was an early bedtime for the kids because Kade had his last day of preschool today and his graduation tonight (which I will post about tomorrow).

Doctors appointment went well. Keegan is looking good. I got a few pictures of the ultrasound but they aren't very good...maybe I will post them later this week.

So a while back my friends Jenna and Nickey threw me a sprinkle and some girls from church weren't able to come so they wanted to have a little brunch. Well it was planned for today and it wasn't little to me. I thought there would be a couple people and little did I know quite a few people showed up and there were LOTS of kids! It was really nice to get together outside of church and of course eat yummy food! I am so thankful for such wonderful friends that I have met through church and hope to continue to get to know them all even better. Here are some pictures from the Brunch...warning I look pretty scary in all of them. At least none of the pictures show my canckles! Poor Kamryn was a trooper and stuck out with no nap until we got home around 1. The pictures are out of order but I am too tired to move them. Sorry!

All the girls wanted to help open presents...especially that box.

Ahlena and her baby Scout, Jaimie and her two girls Reece and Maci
Meghan and Scout

Christy and Holly

Anne and Heather and her baby Ammon

Jaime, Kallee, Jamie, and Christy

Me with delicious food in my mouth! haha
Thanks ladies for a wonderful time and for all the cute clothes and things for baby Keegan!


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