Saturday, July 31, 2010


Every year my Dad's side of the family gets together and has a family reunion. We used to go to Bear Lake and camp, then it was moved to the ranch and this year it is in my Grandparents backyard. I haven't been to the reunion in probably 6 years! I miss going and I am going to try to make sure we are there for it next year.

I miss the yummy food, playing card games, roasting marshmallows, and getting together with family. Of course when I go next time I won't get to be so carefree, I will have kids to worry about and watch, but I am sure it will be fun!

To be honest, I haven't been camping since 2003! Ryan and I don't have any camping gear so we have never been. It would be interesting to go now with our kids being so young. Hopefully in the next few years we can start buying what we need and eventually go.


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