Saturday, October 1, 2011

Homemade Laundry Soap

Earlier this week I got together with a friend and made laundry soap. I found a couple recipes, one for liquid and one for powder. I was thinking of doing the liquid one because it is the “Duggar” formula and I am sure they wash a lot of clothes especially dirty ones with all those little boys they have! But as I read through them the powder one seemed much easer to do and to store. So I went with the powder one. Here are the recipes:



I spend $20 and it is supposed to last about 9 months! I am almost done with my Tide and as soon as I am I am going to start using the home-made soap.

I went to Goodwill and bought a glass container to keep some of the soap in and then I left the remaining in the 5 gallon bucket. I can just refill as needed. Also the little scoop that comes in the oxy-clean, if you fill it to the top it is exactly 2tablespoons. Perfect measurement!


I have heard that the shredded soap dissolves fast and you don’t have to worry about it, also I used the smallest grater I had and it wasn’t that much work. It was quicker to do than I thought it would be!

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