Saturday, June 11, 2011


The kids got their pictures taken yesterday. I must say it is pretty crazy trying to get two one year olds to cooperate for a group picture… (I just had to say it because Kamryn will only be 1 for less than a week and then I will have a one year old and a two year old.) Crazy to think that I would have a 2 year old and 2- one year olds. Then when Kamryn turned 2, I would have 2 – 2 year olds and 1-1 year old for almost a month. Then they would be 3, 2, 1.  Man pictures would have been even crazier! Lucky me I wasn’t the one behind the camera! Thanks Teri for putting up with the craziness!

Check out her blog for a few of the pictures from yesterday. I can’t wait to see more!

Here are a few I found on her Facebook page.



1 comment:

Christy said...

Beautiful! Sorry we didn't get to talk much Sunday. I've wanted to chat with you.