Monday, November 17, 2008

So I haven't looked at my profile on Myspace in quite a while. I forgot what it even looked like, so today I went there and found a very true saying that I put up shortly after my older sister Bree was in a bad car accident almost 2 years ago. At the time we didn't really know what to expect out of it, as she was heavily sedated due to the swelling in her brain. Thankfully she is doing great and we are so glad she is still here and part of our lives!!

Anyhow this saying fits a lot of life's good and bad times. When I read it I think of Kooper and how much he has changed my life and those around me. I think of how it has made me the person I am today. Hopefully a better person.

There are moments in your life
that make you and set the course
of who you're going to be.
Sometimes they are little, subtle
moments. Sometimes they're big
moments you never saw coming.
No one asks for their life to
change, but it does. It's what
you do afterwards that counts.
That's when you find out who you are.

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