Kade is playing on a little league team this year. It is kid pitch so it's a little intimidating especially since he's been hit b the ball by the pitcher! GO DBACKS!
They practice a lot so the kids get to play on the playgrounds a lot!
The day before Kade's birthday we went on a date to yogurtini!
A throwback to his first birthday! Time has flown by!
Party 1 of 2. He had friends from school and church over to his Disney Infinity themed Birthday Party!
Then we had another party with our close friends.
For my Birthday I got a pedicure and Kamryn got her nails painted. One of my favorite things to do.
Keegan loves practicing his writing and he always goes for the cursive book. Silly boy!
Kade leading off second.
Kamryn and Keegan get a long pretty good for the most part while Kade is at school.
Kade entered into a Track meet and got 1st and 2nd place in the 100 and 200 meter for his age group in Surprise. He will go on to compete in a Sate compeition in a few months. I was a proud mama!
This kid always has food on his face...always! I clean it and he doesn't eat anything and I look again and there's more food!
Kamryn had a blast at her friends birthday party at Pump it up!
We went to the cemetery on Easter to visit Kooper. Keegan fell asleep in the car.
EASTER! All these eggs are just waiting to be hidden for the easter egg hunt!
Easter bunny loot!
Decorated Easter Eggs!
Ryan got an early Birthday present. He unwarpped this! We are so excited to have another member in the Perry Family! We thought we were done after Keegan. We got rid of EVERYTHING and then 2 years later I had a dream that my late Grandma Alder was talking to me. She asked how old Keegan was. When I told her 2 she said, "It sounds like it's time for another one." Ryan and I prayed a lot about it and decided that yes, we needed to try for another baby. We are due December 30th!
For the first time ever Kamryna and I made Strawberry Freezer Jam! It was super easy just followed the instructions on the Sure Jell box and it was perfect! This may be a start of a new tradition of Jam making! I won't have to steal some from my mom every time I visit!