Thursday, February 11, 2010


I think Kamryn is trying to get a tooth....I hope one comes in soon! Today she was so miserable unless she was being held or we were out and she was distracted. Her naps were horrible, 30 minute naps and she would wake up screaming! Tonight I put her down and out of the blue I hear her screaming in pain. Before I put her down she was chewing away on a tub toy and loving it. So I gave her some tylenol and put her back to bed. We will see how the rest of the night goes, hopefully better than today. I just want the tooth to come in, I think one of the hardest ones to get in is that first tooth. Here she is finally asleep (after the tylenol)

Well she is awake my lap as I type my post on the laptop....I am singing Jason Mraz, I'm Yours and she loves it and doesn't care that I have one of the worlds worst singing voice!


1 comment:

Sarah said...

Ahh, she is so cute. I agree with you on the first tooth being the hardest. I remember Makenna's is seemed to bother her and be the hardest to come in. Then a couple months later there were molars in her mouth and I didn't even know. Crazy! I hope it comes in soon for you and her!