Monday, February 22, 2010

I need a bigger lap or maybe just a smaller belly!

I don't know where Kamryn's going to sit as I get bigger and bigger. Today especially my stomach has just been so sensitive. Ever push on my tummy or kick by Kamryn has been so uncomfortable, even holding her. I don't know if it is growing pains from getting bigger or what. Of course I am not holding anything right now and it just doesn't feel good. I am sure it will be better tomorrow, hopefully it goes away or I am in for a long 3 1/2 months! It will be interesting how the next couple months will go especially as I get BIGGER! I already feel like there's not much room on my lap! It's not easy when your 8 month old is screaming because she is so spoiled and gets held ALL the time! She's the princess though!

Keegan is kicking around and seems to be having a great time in there. Hopefully Kamryn isn't squishing him too much.

Well, I am pooped. After working last night and getting a short nap today I am ready to SLEEP!



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